General FAQs

Do I need to be on the same tier for all my AWS or Azure accounts?

Yes, if you are using our EC2 Info or ARBot apps, you must select either the Standard or Professional tier for all your AWS or Azure accounts. This ensures consistent access to features and support across all accounts.

What happens if my needs change over time?

If your needs change and you require a different tier, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your subscription to match your current usage. We aim to provide flexibility and support to accommodate your evolving requirements.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!

Why can't I have Standard for some AWS accounts and Professional for others?

To provide the best user experience and manageability, we require that all your AWS or Azure accounts be on the same tier. This simplifies the integration and maintenance process, ensuring that you have a seamless experience across all your accounts.

How should I choose the right tier for my needs?

Select your tier based on the account with the highest needs. For example, if one of your AWS accounts has 300+ EC2 instances then it, you should choose the Professional tier for all your accounts. This approach ensures that all your accounts can benefit from the necessary features and support.

Are my credentials secure?

Yes, your credentials are secure. Client authorization keys are stored in dedicated and secure key vaults. Each customer has their own unique key vault, ensuring isolation and security. These key vaults are configured to allow programmatic access only through specific client IDs, providing an additional layer of security.

Does Cloud Depot retain any of my data when I use its bots?

We are a data processor and do not store any of your data. We process your data based off the commands/features used and pass it back to you.

What permissions are required to use Cloud Depot bots? 

Our applications require only read permissions for the platforms you use (Azure, AWS, EntraID) to query or interact with your accounts. This ensures minimal access while allowing us to provide the necessary functionality. Please refer to the app/bot-specific FAQs for any requirements specific to each bot.

How does the Basic plan work? 

The Basic plan includes access to all available commands within the Bot with no limit on the number of times you can use them. Basic plans are limited to connecting one account or subscription (e.g., AWS Accounts, Azure Subscriptions). 

Query results are limited to matching items within the first 10 items processed. For instance, if you are using EntraBot and have more than 10 users in your tenant, searching for users named John will only show you the users named John within the first 10 results. If only one user named John appears in the first 10 results, only that one John will be displayed, even if there are more users named John in the subsequent results.

Is billing done monthly or annually?

Billing is done monthly or annually by credit card for both Standard and Professional. If you are on a monthly plan, you can start or stop anytime with no commitment. 

If you enroll in a monthly plan and change billing tiers mid-month, a credit or fee will be added to the next month’s bill. If you enroll in an annual plan and change billing tiers over the course of the year, a credit or fee will automatically be added to your card, and you will be notified via email.   Both monthly and annual plans can be cancelled anytime. Once you cancel your team’s paid subscription, no further payments will be taken, but we do not refund payments already made. Annual subscriptions that are cancelled partway through the year will not be refunded. 

Enterprise packages include an annual flat fee that is paid upfront and can be done via ACH or wire transfer.

Do you offer a free trial?

If you’d like to test Standard or Professional features, we offer a 7-day free trial. You can use our Free plan for as long as you’d like.

Pricing FAQ's

Do I need to be on the same tier for all my AWS or Azure accounts?

Yes, if you are using our EC2 Info or ARBot apps, you must select either the Standard or Professional tier for all your AWS or Azure accounts. This ensures consistent access to features and support across all accounts.

Why can't I have Standard for some AWS accounts and Professional for others?

To provide the best user experience and manageability, we require that all your AWS or Azure accounts be on the same tier. This simplifies the integration and maintenance process, ensuring that you have a seamless experience across all your accounts.

How should I choose the right tier for my needs?

Select your tier based on the account with the highest needs. For example, if one of your AWS accounts has 300+ EC2 instances then it, you should choose the Professional tier for all your accounts. This approach ensures that all your accounts can benefit from the necessary features and support.

What happens if my needs change over time?

If your needs change and you require a different tier, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your subscription to match your current usage. We aim to provide flexibility and support to accommodate your evolving requirements.


What permissions are required to use ARBot?

To use ARBot, you need an Azure Service Principal with read access to any subscriptions you wish to query. You must provide the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret for your Azure Service Principal. For more information on Azure Service Principals, please refer to the following link: Understanding Azure Service Principals.

EC2info FAQ's

What permissions are required to use EC2info?

To use EC2info, you will need a user in each AWS account that has the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess policy attached. You must provide an access key ID and secret access key for each user/account.

For more information on access keys, please refer to the following link: 

EntraBot FAQ's

What permissions are required to use EntraBot?

To use EntraBot, you will need an App Registration with Microsoft Graph API read permissions for users and groups (Group.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, User.Read.All, User.ReadBasic.All). Once created, you must provide the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret for the app registration.

For more information on creating and configuring an App Registration, please refer to the following links: 

Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform 

Microsoft Graph permissions reference

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!